Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2.) Eyewash

Goal: Solve the Riddle of Gravitation
Postulate and prove a unified and complete theory of gravitation

Methodology: Scientific Methods of Research and Experimentation
Conduct extensive research on existing theories.
Form my own hypothesis.
Test and prove my hypothesis.

* Curiosity - about anything and everything
* Love of Learning - and acquiring new skills: in school, on the job, on my own, from everyone and anyone.
* Love of Ideas - a good one can change the world
* Humility - literate, but not highly educated. I have only a rudimentary understanding of the subject. I know that I am ignorant. I have no desire for, or expectation of, money, fame or prestige. I shun the spotlight, usually preferring to work in the background. I am always mindful of a quote from Thomas "Tip" O'Neill's autobiography "Man of the House": "There's no limit to what a man can accomplish as long as he is willing to let someone else take credit for it".
* Open Mindedness - no prejudices or preconceptions; I have no idea where this journey will lead or how far it will go. I often revisit and reexamine ideas and assumptions when confronted with new information.
* Broad Range of Skills and Experience - have met and worked with many kinds of people in many different settings
* Imagination - I am often told I have a great one. I tend to "think outside of the box".
* Respect - for history, knowledge, work and people who demonstrate, and are willing to share, their expertise.
* Listening - everyone can teach you something if you listen. My thirteen year old niece once gave me some great personal advice.
* Skepticism - thoughtful and analytical; I am not easily convinced and don't tend to jump to conclusions. I often test people and ideas, carefully analyzing the results.
* Intuition - though logical and empirical, I have learned not to ignore my intuitions. They lead me in the right direction more often than not.
* Tolerance - live and let live. I don't focus on differences, more often looking for and finding abundant common ground. I willingly compromise.

Weaknesses: (Often people's greatest strengths are also their greatest weaknesses.)
* Lack of Focus - curiosity about and interest in so many people and things often leads to distractions and a lack of focus. Newton was a bit of a recluse.
* Undisciplined - abhorrence of routines and frequently bored once the "novelty" has faded. I would rather be an explorer than a farmer.
* Lack of Education - never finished my four year college degree in business, only a solid but rusty foundation in mathematics and a rusty and outdated foundation in science.
* Sensitive and Insecure - I don't take criticism well and am too easily offended. Though I tend to be reliable and dependable, I have at times abandoned pursuits when somebody or something pissed me off. My feelings get hurt and stay hurt.
* Impatient - "Get out of my way!" "Are we there yet?"
* Memory Loss - it is no longer what it once was.
* Poor Time Management - where does it all go?
* Poor Study Skills - never applied myself to anything challenging enough that it required me to learn or practice them.
* Lack of Funds - working full time to support myself. I only work 40 hours a week and might be able to arrange part time work. What little money I have needs to be saved toward retirement.
* Lack of Energy - I get some exercise, go to work, prepare meals and do other chores. I spend time with my wife. I find at my age that I don't have much energy beyond that.
* Lack of Motivation - For some reason I naturally resist many forms of extrinsic motivation, (because I was bullied as a child?). In this case there are none. There is no coercion or threat of punishment, and, (as usual), I don't expect to make any money or get any applause.

Possible Outcomes:
Worst Case Scenario: Cracked-pot weir-do, (Most Likely)
I sit by myself in the library reading a lot of books I do not understand. I doze off a lot and I smell funny. People assume I'm a nut-case, an undercover cop, or a sexual predator. The fact that I could accept this outcome makes this a low risk project for me. I'll be doing what I enjoy, (reading, learning, research), in an environment that I enjoy. People may assume whatever they wish. If I inspire a spark of scientific curiosity in even one other person, I will have accomplished something.

Intermediate: I Inspire and/or Help Others to Reach the Goal, (Feasible)
In the process of learning and research I meet others with similar goals and interests. I help or inspire them in some way to postulate and prove a unified and complete theory of gravitation. I may inspire them personally or after years of work provide a unique insight or direction. I may get as far as a hypothesis, but not live to prove it. In my old age I may only be able to do something as humble as doing free house cleaning for someone who is working toward the same goal, but I will have helped.

Desired: I postulate and prove a unified and complete theory of gravitation, (Don't count me out). After years of research, work and collaboration I reach my goal. My unique mind and background take me somewhere nobody before me has gone.

Other: Who knows! Life is full of surprises.

My next blog entry: A "Detailed Strategy", which employs my strengths and addresses my weaknesses.

1 comment:

  1. I am Happy to join you on your journey!!

    Princess Buttercup
