Overview: Using available resources to solve the Riddle of Gravitation
A very smart woman, (Karen Hanson, a teacher of teachers, a Dean of Deans), once told me, "Knowledge needs a place to hang it's hat." She meant that application was a critical part of the learning process. The concurrent study of Astronomy will provide that. Accountability and a rewards system are also important.
Phase 1: Conduct extensive research on existing theories.
State University
City College
Adult School
Public Library
Unknown: Local Astronomy Club? People I know or will meet?
Action Items:
1.) Enlist my wife's support and assistance - She may even want to be involved to an extent. I don't want this project to come between us. Her cooperation and involvement is key.
2.) Survey Library access - what services are available? When and where? Develop a schedule for regular visits and adhere to it. Get a book to bring to work.
3.) Develop a TV/Movie Schedule - and adhere to it. This is a huge time waster. Aim for quality not quantity.
4.) Research "Fortress" programming language. Memory loss issues will make the retention of new and advanced math skills a challenge. Relying on well documented online programs, rather than my memory, could be important later on.
5.) Learn to use TomBoy notes online, or something similar. Documentation and note taking will help ameliorate memory problems.
6.) Investigate Adult School, Community College, State College and online classes. When, where and at what cost? Which program would you enrol in? What is the curriculum for that program?
7.) Regular, scheduled diet and exercise to keep the energy level up. Don't over do it, (as I usually have a tendency to do), making you too tired.
8.) Find out if there is a local astronomy club.
9.) Find websites and resources online. Store your bookmarks online.
10.) Obtain and use an "always on" internet access device. A phone, netbook, or notebook computer.
11.) Assess where you are now. Find and take a Math and Science Placement Tests.
12.) Ergonomics - I have arthritis as a result of severe injuries. I also love to be outdoors. My job requires that I sit indoors for 40 hours a week at a desk. Being able to work outdoors or lying down indoors would be helpful. I wear glasses to read. Research magnifiers, stands, portable lights, devices. The only thing I can currently do on the couch or in bed is watch TV or a movie.
13.) Income - research ways of making and saving enough money to allow more time and energy to be dedicated and devoted to reaching the goal.
My next blog entry: "What's Happened So Far."
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